Trinity C.E. Primary School is a rural primary school situated in the beautiful village of Aldwincle in Northamptonshire and serves a wide catchment of villages including Islip, Wadenhoe, Thorpe Waterville, Sudborough, Lowick and the surrounding area.

In February 2019, we became an academy with the Peterborough Diocese Education Trust. You can learn more about the trust by visiting their website. The trust work with us and provide us with support and challenge in equal measure to ensure our school remains at the forefront of the ever changing educational landscape. Hence, help us to continue to provide the very best education to all of our young people. 


Our school has a unique and innovative learning environment where all children are challenged and encouraged to think creatively. We believe that children learn best when they are able to take ownership of their learning and are inspred by the subject matter. This is why we have a broad and balanced curriculum.  

We are very proud of our caring and supportive environment which nurtures our children within a Christian ethos. We abide by our school values of communiTy, Respect, faIth, perseveraNce, frIendship, respoNsibility and charitY and expect everybody who visits our school to share this same commitment. Can you see why some letters within our values are in capitals?

Our school vision is:

Encourage each other and build each other up

Thessalonians 5:11

Our revised vision, recently reviewed by staff and governors, is anchored from the word of God (Thessalonians 5:11). Through encouraging each other and building each other up, we seek to enable our school community to ‘shine like a light for the whole world’ (Mathhew 5:14), understanding how we can make a difference by showing love and building faith and friendship as we go.

We believe that education is not just about achieving highly in academic subjects. While growing the mind to achieve is important, it should not be at the cost of growing hearts and souls. Therefore, our approach nurtures the growth of social, emotional and spiritual development as equally important as the growth of knowledge, recognising that making mistakes is part of learning. 

At Trinity we also offer a huge range of enrichment activities such as before and after school clubs and regular out of school visits (including residential visits) which make our school a really fun, enjoyable and vibrant place to be.

In order to find out much more about us, use the top menu to browse this website. In particular, open the school prospectus for a comprehensive summary. 
