Peterborough Diocese Education Trust Governance Arrangements

Please refer to the chart below for information on the structure of the PDET Governance. For more information, please follow this . 


 PDET Governance Structure

Click here-Peterborough Diocese Education Trust - Financial Information to access the PDET website page which details the Trust’s governance arrangements, the academy memorandum and articles of association, annual accounts, annual report and funding agreement.

Our Local Academy Governance Committee 

What's their role? 

The academy governance committee of Trinity C.E. Primary School consists of many members with a variety of backgrounds, skills and expertise in order to act as a critical friend for the staff at the school. They hold a vitally important role of supporting and challenging the school in equal measure to ensure that the school continues to provide the very best education that is possible. As the monitoring of curriculum specific provision is the role of our Academy Improvement Officer, the Academy Givernance Committee focus on ensuring that our school is compliant in its approaches in areas such as safeguarding, GDPR and SIAMS. This is in addition to ensuring the school is well placed in the local community. 

What is the structure of the board? 

Our governors meet 6 times a year as a full governing body. The initial meeting is usually within the first two weeks of the academic year and the main focus of this is to agree individual responsibilities for the year ahead and have an initial look at the school priorities for the year. The remaining meetings are scheduled for one in each term over the year. 

Scheme of Delegation 

Please use the below link to view the scheme of delegation for the AGC. 

Who are they? 

Team MemberProfile

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Miss Kirsty Tilley

Chair of Governors

I have had an 18 year career in the business sectors of hospitality, events management, manufacturing and retail, specialising in recruitment and selection, bookkeeping, training, compliance, sales and marketing and customer service.I play an active role supporting the school and currently have a son at the school.

I am privileged to have the opportunity to share my knowledge and experience with the excellent leadership team at Trinity, who work so hard to give our children the very best primary education.

This is my first post as a Parent Governor and my goal is to support the school and ensure that every child reaches their full potential.


C Brawn

Mrs Carolyn Brawn

Church Governor

I am Carolyn Brawn and I'm proud to serve as Foundation Governor at Trinity Primary school. I was appointed by Peterborough Diocese as a Governor in December 2013, serve on the Standards committee, was vice-chair for two years and chair for two years. I attended Aldwincle Primary school when in the old building and have lived in the area until our move, on retirement, to Stanwick in 2013.

I trained as a Science teacher with further post-graduate studies in Education. My experience as a teacher, deputy head and later as a consultant for an Awarding Body is extremely valuable in providing critical support to the development of the school. I am passionate that all members of the school community should have the opportunity to achieve the best outcome possible.

Trinity Primary School has a strong Christian ethos which I actively support in my role as Reader. The school's values are embedded in all of school life and I will continue to encourage all of the school community to be active in their implementation.
Image preview 

Mrs Claire Tyrell-Smith

Community Governor

Claire is a local resident, who moved to Aldwincle in 2009 after 20 years studying and working in London.  She is a keen gardener and cook, so is an enthusiastic entrant in the local horticultural show.  Claire has two grown-up children who were both educated in the state sector.  Claire served as a governor throughout her children’s time in a London primary school, as a parent governor and community governor, at all stages of school improvement.  Claire continues to serve as an associate governor in her current primary school.

Claire has worked for over 20 years in schools in predominantly in leadership poorly-served areas. She is currently Deputy Head of Greenfields Primary School and Nursery in Kettering, part of a large MAT.  Her areas of expertise are EYFS, Safeguarding and SEND.  Claire also works across as Strategic Lead across the MAT for the Early Years Foundation Stage, and is a keen advocate for sports in schools, challenging outdoor learning and play in all its forms, as well as ensuring families are fully involved in their children’s learning ‘right from the start’.  Claire’s mission has always been to ensure that whatever their starting point, all children achieve their very best. 



Mrs Joanna Baldwin

Parent Governor

I have had an 18-year career in Transport Planning / Engineering across both public and private sectors. I have a son who started at the school in September 2020, and another son starting in September 2022. 

My role as Parent Governor will enable me to play an active role supporting the school and helping its pupils access all the opportunities they deserve. I believe that Primary School is definitive in shaping our children’s futures and want to ensure that all of our children get the best possible start to their formal education.

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Mrs Emily Kruger

Staff Governor


Mr Tom Burrows


As Headteacher of Trinity CE Primary School, I sit on the governing board and attend all full governing body meetings as well as committee meetings.

The governing board act as a critical friend to myself. They challenge the decisions the senior leadership team and I make; all in the best interests of all of the children at the school.

Our governing board works well together as a team to support us in the development of the school.

Contacting our Governors 

If you are a parent of a child in our school, there may be a time where you wish to contact the Chair of Governors. To find out whether this is appropriate for your situation and to obtain the contact details, please contact our school office.

Joining Our Governing Board

From time to time we have vacancies on our governing body. Parent and staff vacancies are notified by letter at the time of the vacancy and nomination forms are available for eligible candidates. If we have more candidates than vacancies then a ballot is held amongst relevant stakeholders.

Please see our 'Vacancies' page on our website for any co-opted vacancies we may have.

Register of Current Governor Business Interests 

All of our governors must declare any other business interests while members of our governing body. These declarations are displayed below for your information.







Mr.  Thomas Burrows



Nothing recorded on form



Mrs Emily Kruger

Staff Governor


Nothing recorded on form.

Nothing recorded on form.

 20.09.23  20.09.27

Mrs. Carolyn  Brawn

Church Governor


Reader in Benefice.

Trustee for AST.


 Re-appointed by Diocese 16/01/2018

Re-appointed by the Diocese



Mrs. Claire Tyrell- Smith

Community Governor
Trinity None recorded   18/01/2022 17/01/2026

Mrs Joanne Baldwin

Parent Governor

Trinity None recorded   14/07/2021


Mrs Kirsty Tilley

Chair of Governors

Trinity None recorded   08/10/2021 07/10/2025


